Summary and recommendations on Swarm and Space 4.0i Eelco Doornbos
A session in three parts Future mission concepts Application of machine learning techniques Easier access to and sharing of Swarm data, tools and information Unfortunately, not much time for questions & discussions at the end of a busy day. Some seed questions included here.
1 Future mission concepts Talks: NanoMagSat/Swarm Delta (Hulot) The three selected EE10 mission proposals (Haagmans) Daedalus (Sarris / Kervalishvili) Seed question: How can the Swarm community best support the new mission concepts?
2 Application of machine learning techniques Talks: Electron density data from Demeter, in preparation for application to CSES (Wang) Magnetic field anomalies as possible earthquake precursions in Swarm data (Bi) Identifying ULF waves in Swarm data, trained using CHAMP data (Papadimitriou) Seed question: Are there other areas in which machine learning could be applied to Swarm data? Perhaps for correcting data anomalies?
3 Access to Swarm data and information Talks: ViRES Virtual Research Environment (Costa) and viresclient (Smith): a new Python package for interacting with VirES Future Swarm website Seed questions: What would be needed to provide all Swarm data, including thermosphere products, and perhaps that of associated missions, via this new interface? Any feedback to the Swarm website team?
Space 4.0i The Space 4.0 era: a time when space is evolving from being the preserve of the governments of a few spacefaring nations to a situation in which there is the increased number of diverse space actors around the world, including the emergence of private companies, participation with academia, industry and citizens, digitalisation and global interaction. Space 4.0i combines the described global situation of space developments with the ‘i’ standing for an ESA-specific interpretation of the tasks: ESA innovates - through more disruptive and risk-taking technologies ESA informs - through the reinforcement of the link with large public and user communities ESA inspires - through the launch of new initiatives and programmes, both current and future generations ESA interacts - through enhanced partnerships with Member States, European institutions, international players and industrial partners