Quran Appreciation
Introduction to the Surah Surah Yaasin is a Makkan surah. It contains 83 verses This Sura takes its name from its first verse – “Yaa-sin”. This surah is also commonly known as the “heart of the Qur’an”. Holy Prophet (S): “Everything has a heart (or a core), and the heart of the Qur’an is Yaasin.” Why do you think this Sura is called the heart of the Qur’an? 1 When we consider the totality of the organs of body as one unit, its center is the heart. From this center is directed the administration of the body. So far as it is warm, the body remains alive and when it fails, the body dies
The sura can be divided into various sections. The surah begins with an address to the Holy Prophet (S) that clarifies both his mission and the nature of revelation (verses 1 – 12). Nature of the Qur’an 1-30 & 69-70 The Parable 13-30 Overview of Prophet hood
Can you attempt the first 12 verses? We hear this surah so many times… Let’s see if we can recall some of it! Teacher to check with Holy Quran. Select one person to start the first verse, and then another carries on. Until verse 12.OR could have two teams.
Why do you think Allah swt takes an oath? Studying verses : 1-3 Yaseen- Name of HP (saw) Allah (swt) addresses Prophet Muhammad (saw) as the chief of all messengers وَالْقُرْآنِ الْحَكِيمِ (I swear) by the Quran full of wisdom, [2] إِنَّكَ لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ you are indeed one of the messengers, [3] (taken from notes) Allah (SWT) does not need to take any oath, but the oaths of the Qur’an have always two important usages. The first is an emphasis on the concerning matter, and the second is the statement of the greatness of the thing by which is sworn, for nobody takes an oath to the worthless things. In other words, a very important message is about to be revealed and Allah (SWT) wants us to humble ourselves, empty our minds and hearts of all other concerns and pay full attention to what is about to be revealed. Why do you think Allah swt takes an oath?
Studying Verses 4-5 These verses were revealed in the Makkan period of the Holy Prophet (S)’s life. When the Holy Prophet declared his Prophethood majority of the Quraysh did not believe and rejected him. Allah (SWT) swears by the Qur’an to affirm the messengership of the prophet, even thought the Quraysh did not believe in the Qur’an in the first place.
Studying Verses 4-5 How do you think the Holy Prophet (S) felt when the Quraysh rejected the message?
What lessons can we learn from our discussion today? Plenary What lessons can we learn from our discussion today? Eg. Perserverence of HP (SAW)