Regulation on European Environmental Economic Accounts New modules 24 April 2012 DIMESA Item 4.1
History First regulation = a milestone in development of European environmental economic accounts EP and DGs stressed need more (list in Article 10) First three = EPE, EGSS, Energy accounts ESEA 2008 already foresaw DIMESA 2011 expressed support for process and timetable Drafting during second half 2011 (with TFs) January, written consultation was supportive and gave many useful suggestions 24.4.2012 Environmental Accounts Regulation new modules
Discussion in WG 26-28 March 2012 Generally favourable, with comments (“Yes, but..”) Historic time series must not start before 2013 JQ EPER and Energy statistics exist Resources (2-3 people) Environ accounts very cost-effective (re-use existing stats) NACE detail (A*64) services in energy module can be reviewed Maturity Mostly OK, work to finalise Timetable first transmission 2017. 24.4.2012 Environmental Accounts Regulation new modules
Timetable Working Groups March 2012 DIMESA April 2012 Inter-service consultation of DGs July 2012 ESSC November 2012 Adoption by Commission January 2013 Translation all 23 languages Transmission to EP and Council March 2013 Two years discussions Mar-2013 - Mar 2015 Adoption by EP and Council March 2015 First reference year (= adoption) 2015 First data transmission t+24 End of 2017 24.4.2012 Environmental Accounts Regulation new modules
Proposal to DIMESA Agree today to proceed with draft Regulation beginning with ESSC in November 2012. Commit to work together to solve the remaining methodological issues in the next two years. Modifications can be made in Council discussions or even after adoption (691/2011 article 3.3.b) 24.4.2012 Environmental Accounts Regulation new modules