Station #24 The Root
Station #25 – Monocot Root
Station 26 – Dicot Root
Station 26 – Dicot Root
Station #27 Carrot
Station #28 Root Hairs
Station #30 Dicot Stem (Close up of each vascular bundle would be station #29)
Station #31 Monocot Stem
Station #31 - Monocot Stem
Station #32 Woody Dicot Stem
Station #33 – Age of a Woody Dicot
Station #33 – Age of a Woody Dicot
Station #33 – Age of a Woody Dicot
Station #33 – Age of a Woody Dicot
Station #34 – Tissue of a Tree Trunk
Station #34 – Tissue of a Tree Trunk
Station #35 – Spiral Xylem Vessels
Station #36 – The Leaf (CS)
Station #37 – Lower Epidermis
Station #38 – Pine Needle
Station #39 – Minerals and Plant Nutrition (label denotes what the plant was given)
Station #39 – Minerals and Plant Nutrition (label denotes what the plant was given)
Station #39 – Minerals and Plant Nutrition (label denotes what the plant was given)
Station #39 – Minerals and Plant Nutrition (label denotes what the plant was given)
Station #39 – Minerals and Plant Nutrition (label denotes what the plant was given)
Station #40 – Carnivorous Plants
Station #40 – Carnivorous Plants
Station #40 – Carnivorous Plants
Station #40 – Carnivorous Plants
Station #41 Gibberellins and Germination
Station #41 Gibberellins and Germination
Station #41 Gibberellins and Germination
Station #42 –Gibberellins and Stem Growth
Station #42 –Gibberellins and Stem Growth
Station #42 –Gibberellins and Stem Growth
Station #43 Phototrophism
Station #44 Gravitropism