PACT Feedback Rubric Pilot Results with UC Davis English Cohort
2007/08 Pilot Results N= 12 6 Scorers (no models for training) Score Distribution: Score candidates (1 scored twice with scores of 1 & 2) Score candidates Score candidates * In general, feedback scores were lower than overall PACT scores. We're going to highlight its importance more in courses and in our supervision feedback to increase skills.
Weaknesses little or no feedback shown for written work, although trends in performance were well documented by candidate feedback on written work provided no help in how to "analyze more thoroughly" or "provide evidence" written comments/marks focused on spelling and conventions errors, rather than responding to ideas in essays explicit grammar corrections are not made (important for English learners)
Weaknesses (contd) feedback not linked to specific learning goals of the assignment some feedback appeared to lead to a specific reading, rather than encourage support for student's own interpretation attempt to foster critical thinking, but did not follow through to get response from student in discussion grammar corrections on student work were wrong (1 example) feedback ranged over several assessments, so documentation was very general (larger problem with PACT document)
Strengths oral responses to students in video provided encouragement and probed for deeper thinking (multiple examples) peer review process and discussion demonstrated potential for students to understand ways to improve their written work oral feedback utilized questions and answers to jog prior knowledge and schema from earlier lessons, other disciplines, or "real life" examples candidate addressed general performance weaknesses with whole class after reviewing assessments
Strengths (contd) multiple avenues of feedback around learning goals - teacher corrections and comments, peer review process - both orally and on written work use of rubrics with individual feedback related to task expectations clear and specific feedback with suggestions for mastering key concepts/standards; included opportunities for students to reflect on their own work and plan for next steps in essay writing process
Teaching Candidates About Effective Feedback Courses: Present concept of feedback within contexts of lesson planning and academic language development Focus on both oral and written feedback strategies - content and academic language, prioritizing corrections Present PACT rubric expectations Evaluate lessons and video clips of teaching for clarity, consistency, instructional support, balance Role play scenarios to practice conferencing with students Provide examples appropriate to each discipline Discuss common readings
Teaching Candidates About Effective Feedback (contd) Supervision Feedback: Regular observations of teaching include attention to oral and written feedback focused on task-specific performance improvement Seminar discussion of feedback appropriate for written assignments - peers look at assignment demands, student performance, and ways to structure feedback effectively - in advance of PACT work
Resources on Feedback Hattie, 1. & TimperIey, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77, Scarcella, R. (2003). Providing effective feedback. In R. Scarcella, Accelerating academic English: A focus on the English learner (pp ). Oakland, CA: Regents of the University of CA.