WoW #29 Day 1: vilify Definition and Part of Speech Related forms Synonyms x 3 Antonyms x2 1 sentence per form
to speak ill of; defame; slander vilify (verb) to speak ill of; defame; slander
Pronunciation: vil-uh-fahy vilify Pronunciation: vil-uh-fahy
Related forms vilification (noun) vilifier (noun) vilifyingly (adverb)
Synonyms: denigrate disparage denounce censure slander assail attack vilify Synonyms: denigrate disparage denounce censure slander assail attack
antonyms applaud cherish eulogize extol laud praise respect vindicate
Some people vilify others by talking behind their backs.
vilify The bully vilified the little guy, making him feel small and unimportant.
vilify Nazi propaganda experts even disseminated children’s books that vilified Jewish people.
vilify Wile E. Coyote is always vilified in his battles against Road Runner.
The dog was a vilifier; he blamed the fish for stinking.
vilification The cartoon identifies ignorance as a source of racial vilification.
vilification vilification Remembering Auschwitz should teach us that the vilification of any people is wrong.
WoW#29 Day 2: vilify Acrostic Poem You must include any 2 of the following words in the poem (any form): nefarious, avarice, deleterious, extricate, and hubris. V I L F Y
WoW #29 Day #3: vilify; vilifier; vilification; vilifyingly Construct one Quatrain in the style of a Shakespearean Sonnet -Quatrain: a four-line stanza or a grouping of four lines of verse -Rhymed Iambic Pentameter (10 syllables + ABAB) Include at least 2 of the following words (any form) ineffable, truculent, ostentatious, and clandestine