Andrew Dillon Chief Executive Introduction to NICE Andrew Dillon Chief Executive
Why do we need NICE? Expectation Capacity Ambition
Developing our guidance Judgement Opinion Science Experience
We produce a range of guidance and services
Being NICE isn't always easy! The evidence is never complete and anyway isn't a sufficient basis for making decisions; preferences, priorities and politics create an unavoidable context The evidence is constantly changing and is frequently immature at the point at the which the first and often most influential decision is made Everyone says they're committed to an evidence-based approach but reasons to ignore it are always easy to find! We have to make some of the most difficult decisions in British public life
Impact of NICE Accepted as a valuable influence on national and local decision-making Improved outcomes for patients and service users Guided significant investment over 18 years Informed the coverage and debate about the health and care services in the media Continually evolving in response to new practice, technologies, structures and priorities