CyberBullying Cyberbullying : bullying through Internet applications and technologies such IM, social networking sites, and cell phones, YouTube, Snap Chat, etc… It can start easily—with a rumor, a photo, or a forwarded message—and just as easily spiral out of control. An embarrassing video posted to a social networking site by someone in Kansas tonight may be watched by someone in Japan tomorrow. Cyberbullying victims may be targeted anywhere, at any time.
Common Forms of Cyberbullying Flaming and Trolling – sending or posting hostile messages intended to “inflame” the emotions of others Happy-Slapping – recording someone being harassed or bullied in a way that usually involves physical abuse, then posting the video online for public viewing Identity Theft/Impersonation – stealing someone’s password and/or hijacking their online accounts to send or post incriminating or humiliating pictures, videos, or information Photoshopping – doctoring digital images so that the main subject is placed in a compromising or embarrassing situation Physical Threats – sending messages that involve threats to a person’s physical safety Rumor Spreading – spreading gossip through e-mail, text messaging, or social networking sites
Holt recently published a study in the International Criminal Justice Review .The researchers found that 27% of students who experienced bullying online, and 28% who were victims of bullying by phone text messaging, thought about skipping school or skipped it. That's compared to 22% who experienced physical bullying. Those who said they were cyberbullied were also most likely to say they had considered suicide -- 28%, compared to 22% who were physically bullied and 26% who received bullying text messages. Both victims and perpetrators of bullying can feel long-lasting psychological effects. Bullying victims showed greater likelihood of agoraphobia, where people don't feel safe in public places, along with generalized anxiety and panic disorder. People who were both victims and bullies were at higher risk for young adult depression, panic disorder, agoraphobia among females, and the likelihood of suicide among males. Those who were only bullies showed a risk of antisocial personality disorder.
Reporting Bullying Tell Someone Keep record if it is online. Everything has a digital footprint and can be traced back to the original source. WeStopHate.org, a nonprofit organization devoted to helping people who have been bullied and allow them a safe space to share their stories.
Sexting Sexting is “the sending or receiving of sexually- explicit or sexually-suggestive images or video via a cell phone.” Most commonly, the term has been used to describe incidents where teenagers take nude or semi-nude pictures of themselves and distribute those pictures to others using their cell phones.
Sexting It has resulted in damaging reputations of the individuals, as well as, working, academic, and romantic relationships. Sexting may seem like a simple text message exchanged between two people, however, once an image is in digital form its capable of being forwarded and shared with an entire community, school or university. More recently sexting isn’t just an innocent flirting but an issue of infidently.
Effects of Sexting A mistake made 15 years old can haunt someone for the rest of their lives. In many cases students and teens are charged with child pornography charges. These charges lead to registering as sexual offender. This follows someone for the rest of their lives and affect where the can work and where they can live.
Why Do Students Keep Bullying a Secret? They are taught not to “tattle.” They think telling someone they are being hurt orsomeone else is being hurt is wrong. They have told or heard someone else tell adults about bullying before, and nothing was done about it. They are afraid adults will make the situation worse. They are embarrassed or feel shame because they feel no one likes them; they feel defective. They feel shame because they cannot stand up for themselves as they have been taught. They do not want to worry their parents. They love their parents and want to protect them from worry and anxiety.
Why Must Bullying Be Stopped? Thirty percent of all child suicides can be directly related to bullying The intensity of bullying has increased because more students join in. There have been numerous criminal cases because of bullying. There have been numerous lawsuits because of bullying. It creates a fearful school climate. It causes some students to harm themselves, cutting themselves, for example.
Don’t be the reason, someone else looses a life. Stop Bullying Tell Someone Don’t be the reason, someone else looses a life. Words are harmful. Watch what you say, text, type, or video.