Planning Master Student Map Chapter Two Planning Master Student Map
Why this chapter matters … Your ability to manage time and money is a major predictor of your success in school and in the work world.
What is included … You’ve got the time Setting and achieving goals The ABC daily to-do list Organizing time and tasks at work Planning sets you free “But I don’t know what I want to do”: Choosing a major The seven-day anti-procrastination plan 25 ways to get the most out of now Time management for right-brained people Gearing up: Using a long-term planner Strategies for even longer-term planning Power Process: Be here now Master Student Profile: Barbara Jordan
How you can use this chapter … Know exactly what you want to accomplish today, this month, this year—and beyond. Eliminate stress due to poor planning and procrastination. Gain the ability to focus your attention whenever you choose.
As you read, ask yourself: What if … … I could have more than enough time to accomplish whatever I choose?