Lesson 4 – Expectation for Beginning of Day/Morning Areas Welcome Lesson 4 – Expectation for Beginning of Day/Morning Areas
Expectations for Beginning of Day and Morning Areas Planner Expectations for Beginning of Day and Morning Areas
Review from Yesterday Which is the most important rule to you and why? Share with your partner.
Learning Goal: Can I explain what the expectation is for the beginning of the day and morning areas?
Learning Goal: In your own words fill in the following sentence. The learning goal for today is ________________________.
Matching Worksheet Work with your partner to figure out which expectation goes with which rule.
Beginning of the Day Safety/Order Wipe your feet on rug Inside voices Walk on the right straight to designated area
Beginning of the Day Achieve Arrive at 7:35 Bring your supplies Be ready to learn
Beginning of the Day Respect Greet others kindly
Morning Areas Safety/Order Choose your seat and remain seated. Ask for permission to leave area. Clean up around you.
Morning Areas Achieve Be ready to learn Bring supplies – Binder Paper Pencil Planner or Planner Card Free reading book
Morning Areas Respect Before you leave remove hats and hoods. Follow directions. Be considerate of those around you.