Unification of Italy and Germany
Nationalism Nationalism: the desire of people with the same customs and beliefs for self-rule. It is the cultural identity of a people and is based on shared customs and a common history. Napoleon’s armies spread nationalism throughout Europe Napoleonic ideals spread Legal equality for citizens Religious freedom Economic freedom and right to earn a living People under Napoleonic rule resentful Resented paying taxes to France Disliked serving in Napoleon’s army Desired self-rule
Nationalism Nationalist movements within Europe spread Begin in the Balkans with the Greeks Rebel against Ottomans in 1821 Supported by Britain, France, and Russia Greeks win independence in 1830 Revolutions occur in Belgium, Italy, and Russia Most of these crushed Revolutions erupt across Europe in 1848 Led by liberals Most suppressed by conservative groups France was the exception
France Charles X attempts to establish an absolute monarchy in 1830 Attempt fails Replaced by Louis-Philippe Ruled until 1848 Lost favor Nationalist, and reforming revolts spread Overthrown France declared a republic President elected Louis-Napoleon (Bonaparte’s nephew) Parliamentary system established Louis-Philippe
France Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon III) Takes title of Emperor Napoleon III (1852) Stabilizes and Industrializes France France enjoys prosperity Napoleon declares war on Prussia (1870) Prussia wins Napoleon’s government falls France faces civil war Workers try to take control of Paris Upper-class government crushes workers Sends troops in to stop overthrow attempt Increases distrust between upper class and workers France returned to a republic Emperor Louis-Napoleon III
Unification in Italy Camillo de Cavour led the unification of the northern Italian states he was the prime minister of the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia – the largest and most powerful Italian state Led unification of northern Italian states With French help unites Piedmont and Lombardy King Victor Emmanuel – king of Piedmont-Sardinia and will be first king of unified Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi = led revolts in southern Italy using guerilla warfare (hit and run). United southern Italy and then joins with Cavour to create one Italy under King Victor Emmanuel
What Every Student Should Know About Standard 7-3.6 Questions Explain how Count Camillo di Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi united Italy (cont.). Garibaldi led unification of the southern Italian states Garibaldi was a soldier and leader of a group called the Red Shirts using guerilla tactics, he captured Sicily in the south Cavour convinced Garibaldi to unite the two sections of Italian states under King Victor Emmanuel II (king of Piedmont- Sardinia) with Rome as its capital a short time later, Venetia and the Papal States were added to Italy as well
Who was Victor Emmanuel II? king of Piedmont-Sardinia in 1860, he became king of unified Italy
Describe the German Confederation. 39 loosely joined states Austria and Prussia were the largest and most powerful Prussia’s ruler was Wilhelm I and he had the support of conservative Prussian nobles called Junkers Who was Otto von Bismarck? prime minister of Prussia under Wilhelm I he would ultimately take full control of Prussia
What was Bismarck’s policy of realpolitik? “the politics of reality” power politics without any notions of a perfect world – no room for idealism speeches decide nothing – only hard work and real effort (“blood and iron”) got things done Bismarck’s efforts to unify Germany was the idea of realpolitik in action
Franco-Prussian War Napoleon III declared war on Prussia in July of 1870 by May of 1871, France was defeated and Napoleon III was captured all the German states rallied behind Prussia and united to form the German Empire Germany took territory from France that would be disputed for many years Wilhelm I becomes Kaiser (emperor) of a united Germany. Bismarck becomes Chancellor