Hello! Today you need: Your planner open to this week Your reading comp. book + reading log A book to read/annotate
Add These To Your Planner: Tuesday, November 18: Edited/signed draft of narrative due. Wednesday, November 19: FINAL, edited, and rough drafts of narrative due. Periods 3+5: Last day to work on stele research in class. Thursday, November 20: Periods 3+5: Class will begin stele rough draft.
In Your Comp Book… Turn to the next available page that you can write on. Write today’s date on the left side on the first blue line that you can write on. Title it Reading Reflection #10. Add it to your Table of Contents
Reading Reflection #10 Free write reflection. Thoughts about last week’s reading? Thoughts about your reading progress in general? Plan for reaching new goals? (You must write 5+ sentences.) (When finished, tape your reading log on the left side of the entry.)