HBV/G Infection of an Apheresis Donor 3 Platelet and 4 Plasma Pheresis Donations Positive in Indiv. Donation PCR 50 Apheresis Platelets Donations Follow-up 45 Plasma Pheresis x Follow-up samples 40 GPT (U/l) 35 Pool-PCR positive 30 Anti-HBs (IU/ml) GPT U/L 25 20 15 Anti-HBs (IU/ml) HBsAG 10 ID-PCR positive Anti-HBc 5 20 40 60 80 100 120 Days
HBV/G Infection of an Apheresis Donor 3 Platelet and 4 Plasma Pheresis Donations Positive in Indiv. Donation PCR x Apheresis Platelets Plasma Pheresis Follow-up samples Donations Follow-up 6,258 cp/ml Pool-PCR positive ID-PCR (Geq/ml) Look-Back 295 cp/ml 855 cp/ml Days
Pure HBV Genotyp G N D R3 R4 Marker Conj. control Amp. control Genotype A Genotype B Genotype C Genotype F Genotype G Genotype E Genotype D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Genotype-specific Amplification of HBV/G
HBV/G: Viral Load and Prism s/co Recipient 4 Date NAT (copies/mL) Lab. X PEI Prism HBsAg S/Co 06/19 Not done 0.27 07/10 3,900 10,744 0.68 07/31 5,480 9,062 0.57 08/08 6,490 13,890 0.73 08/22 0.75