Classroom Rules and Expectations Semester 2 Ms. nelson
Resetting Expectations Come to class prepared Bring Paper Bring Pencil/pen Keep up with your assignments Your in charge of your folder
Resetting Expectations NO talking while I’m talking Raise your hand and wait to be called on Don’t just yell out answers No disrespect to others
Resetting Expectations DO NOT get out of your seat without permission No walking around causing disruptions No sharpening pencils in the middle of lecture
Resetting Expectations NO Cellphones Unless otherwise instructed, DO NOT have your cell phone out of your backpack or pocket. Warning then, Cell Jail
Resetting Expectations If you persist on being nasty/messy with snacks….. There will be NO FOOD / DRINKS PERIOD.
Resetting Expectations Participation is a must! No exceptions
Resetting Expectations Parent contacts BAD BEHAVIOR NON-PARTICIPATION GRADES
Anything I forgot? Are there any rules that you would like to see added?
Get out paper and a pencil/pen