Experiences of online feedback in acute and community services Jayne Kruszewski Customer Relations Manager Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust
Our experiences of using Patient Opinion We have trialled the use across both acute and community services via Tiverton Community Hospital and the busy Outpatients department at NDDH Very positive, well received by patients and staff It enables timely real time feedback on these services and allows quick responses to be facilitated Works alongside other feedback received via PALS, social media networks and Friends and Family surveys All patient feedback is sent to the managers responsible for the service (both clinical/non clinical) for action/dissemination to staff
Our process for feedback via PO Customer Relations Manager/Head of Communications routinely check the website for feedback Initial acknowledgement is given, and where possible an answer/response to the issues raised is provided Where necessary the comment is forwarded to the service/ward manager for further investigation action A further response is then provided to the individual either via the service/ward manager or Customer Relations Manager/Head of Communications Feedback is captured on Datix via PALS for reporting purposes
Next steps Expand reporting on feedback via this website, alongside other social media networks, Friends and Family surveys and the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Incorporate feedback within Directorate performance reports and quality assurance reports Evaluate the use of the Trusts Tell us what you think leaflets with the view to incorporate both methods of feedback Review the pilot sites across the Trust to promote more feedback Consider the impact and possible resource implications of introducing across the acute hospital, 17 community hospitals and community nursing services across North, East and Mid Devon, and Exeter Localities