CPS Strategy 2018/19 Represent - Support - Develop
Represent Represent community pharmacy contractors in Sheffield to raise awareness of the current and potential value of community pharmacy to commissioners, other health & social care professionals, patients and the public.
Support Support contractors through the proposed national changes to the sector & with the delivery of national & locally commissioned services.
Develop Develop skill mix within the community pharmacy teams to rise to the challenges of changes in community pharmacy practice & develop new services to meet the needs of the local populations, developing the integration of community pharmacy into the heart of primary care in Sheffield.
Aims Improve communications with contractors & their pharmacy teams Support contractors through changes in pharmacy practice Support delivery of high quality services with improved outcomes for patients Promote development of pharmacy teams Build strong relationships with commissioners Raise awareness of the value of community pharmacy
CPS Work Plan Will be reviewed at each CPS meeting to ensure actions are completed & progress is being made to achieve the aims of the committee Full annual review in January 2017
3 Key Areas to the Work Plan Communication Development & Delivery Governance See separate work plan document for further details
Strategy Developed by Claire Thomas, Chief Officer CPS January 2016, last reviewed April 2018