Atos, Atos and fish symbol, Atos Origin and fish symbol, Atos Consulting, and the fish symbol itself are registered trademarks of Atos Origin SA. June 14 © 2006 Atos Origin. Private for the client. This report or any part of it, may not be copied, circulated, quoted without prior written approval from Atos Origin or the client. Foreseen features on ePractice and user feedback tools Brussels, June 16 th, 2010 Fabio Tumiattii ICT addressing Societal Challenges Contract ICT for Government and Public Services
2 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 »The ePractice 2 project »Foreseen features »User feedback tools Agenda
3 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 The ePractice 2 Project »Main objectives Maintenance and Upgrade of the ePractice portal »Activities: »Portal hosting and maintenance -End-user helpdesk »Periodical software improvements -Every 3 months »Accessibility compliance
4 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 »The ePractice 2 project »Foreseen features »User feedback tools Agenda
5 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 Foreseen features - Communities »Highlighted blogs
6 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 Foreseen features - Communities »Highlighting portal content by members »Right now, only facilitators can highlight contents in the communities. »The community members will have the possibility to propose the contents to their communities facilitators »It will be visible to anyone only after validation of any of the facilitators.
7 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 Foreseen features - Communities »Access rights to shared documents »Shared resources are visible for all the logged users in ePractice. »The community facilitator will have the options to make the shared resource: -Public (registered and anonymous users) -Visible only for registered users -Visible only for community members
8 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 Foreseen features - Communities »Rich text editor »In order to make easier the edition of text, add rich editors to the text fields »Installation of a WYSIWYG Tool (What You See Is What You Get) -Different font size and colors -Insert pictures -Insert links -Insert charts
9 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 Foreseen features - Communities »Send invitation to join the community »Possibility to invite to your community users already registered to ePractice. -E.g., some ePractice users who could be interested in joining the eProcurement Forum, but it is impossible to reach them since their addresses are not public.
10 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 Foreseen features - Communities »Message to community members »Community facilitator tool for sending messages to members: -if you want to contact several experts, visualized in different pages of the member list, it is necessary to send separate s. The problem is that if you move from one page to the next ones, the system cannot keep track of members already selected.
11 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 Foreseen features - Communities »Blog synchronization »Community blog and General blog section: -Option to create a copy of the community blog post on the general blog section -Problem: -If someone replies to one of the blog posts, communities or general section, the reply is not updated in the other blog. -Solution: -Unique blog post for both sections
12 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 Foreseen features »Events and Workshops: »Merge events and workshops »Calendar view as default »Printable list of attendees »Alerts by to event goers »More connection and suggestions of related contents »Generate PDF template of the event
13 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 Foreseen features »Cases »Galleries of images and videos »Improve linkage of cases with users (partners, collaborators,…) and other content types (events/library…) »News »Embedded videos in news »Subscription to receive by all the new published news
14 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 Foreseen features »User profiles »Send message to several contacts at once »Redesign the user profile page -Create tabs to display different user information -Create groups of users + ability to send messages to the users groups »General »Add new rating (five start) criteria: global, coherence, quality and innovation »Photo gallery
15 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 »The ePractice 2 project »Foreseen features »User feedback tools Agenda
16 Brussels, June 16th, 2010 User feedback tools » Improvement community »Propose new features and portal changes »Informal Expert Committee »Composed by 5 ePractice members »Members function -Review the catalog of the following release (every 3 months) -Identify and prioritize the important tasks -Discard unimportant tasks -Propose new features using the ePractice improvement community -Feedback on necessary structural changes on the portal »New entry in the community before each release »Publication of the release catalog in the community
Atos, Atos and fish symbol, Atos Origin and fish symbol, Atos Consulting, and the fish symbol itself are registered trademarks of Atos Origin SA. June 14 © 2006 Atos Origin. Private for the client. This report or any part of it, may not be copied, circulated, quoted without prior written approval from Atos Origin or the client. For more information please contact: Fabio Tumiatti ICT addressing Societal Challenges Contract ICT for Government and Public Services