Making Assessment Count (MAC) Consortium An informal group further developing and adapting best practice in the use of technology to enhance feedback.


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Presentation transcript:

Making Assessment Count (MAC) Consortium An informal group further developing and adapting best practice in the use of technology to enhance feedback. Realising the benefits of the JISC funded project Making Assessment Count (Westminster) University of Westminster Gunter Saunders Mark Clements Peter Chatterton University of Bedfordshire Mark Gamble City University Kate Reader University of Greenwich Mark Kerrigan Simon Walker Cardiff Metropolitan University (UWIC) Loretta Newman-Ford University of Reading Maria Papaefthimiou JISC Design Studio pages: MAC MAC Consortium MAC Web-site

The original MAC MAC Framework for action on feedback (SOS model) E-Reflect software Encourages staff and students to engage with action on feedback Link action on feedback to the personal tutorial system Help the student strategically reflect on what they did and the feedback received Connect the students feedback and reflections to the personal tutor S = Subject O = Operational S = Strategic Challenges being addressed: Mismatch between feedback provided and students saying no feedback received Students often do not make use of their feedback Focused on the mark Therefore do not derive benefit from the feedback in relation to future work

MAC process – module assessment activities Student Subject tutor E-Reflect tool (Westminster online tool) Personal Tutor OR Subject Tutor Coursework & submission Marking & feedback Response to self-review questionnaire Learning journal entry Automated feedback Feedback on the learning journal entry Dialogu e Subject Operational Strategic Dialogu e

Encouraging our students to reflect and learn from their feedback May improve student retention To engage more students with the personal tutorial system at City Encouraging students to take a feedforward approach to work Why Evaluate E-Reflect and MAC at City?

We took an integrative evaluation approach (Cook, 2002) whereby we looked at how eReflect could be best integrated with other resources available to our users. In our case, the resource was our new virtual learning environment Moodle. Students – how easy is eReflect to use? How enjoyable is it to use? Does eReflect feel personalised to me and meet my individual needs? Will eReflect help me to perform better in my studies? Personal Tutors (teaching staff) – how easy is eReflect to use? How much additional work will I have to do over what I am doing already with my personal tutorials to use it effectively? Does eReflect look professional and does it integrate with the course content available on Moodle? Support Staff – what are the hardware implications of eReflect? Who hosts it? What are the staff development and training implications of eReflect? Developers – can eReflect be customised? Is it open-source and can we adapt it to better suit our needs? How do we report problems with bugs in the code? Managers – how does eReflect fit within the institutional strategy? Can it enhance the status and attractiveness of the institution? What are the costs of running eReflect? How did we evaluate the E-Reflect tool and MAC Project?

Evaluation Results E-Reflect Tool: It would not be feasible to introduce an outside system to our students and staff for the following reasons: Separate logins needed for staff and students from our institutional systems Reliance on an external organisation for help and support with no formal service contract MAC Project: The SOS model would be adopted, but delivered through our institutional VLE moodle We would rename the project Feedforward in order to address issues with Feedback

Building the SOS Model into Moodle...

MAC Consortium Progress Cardiff Met – piloted with up to 350 Sports Medicine undergraduates and in School of Education Greenwich – used across all Schools through training courses in learning and teaching Bedfordshire – Just started using in Health Sciences and in IT/Business Reading – Pilot with over 100 final year Life Sciences project students Westminster – used now to support feedback on written exams in Life Sciences City – pilot in Moodle with Politics and Sociology undergraduates

E-Reflect Tool 1.What is e-Reflect 2.Student completing questionnaire 3.Student completing reflection

Further Information Making Assessment Count Practitioner Toolkit Making Assessment Count Evaluation MAC Video Case Study What students say about MAC E-Reflect videos 1.What is e-ReflectWhat is e-Reflect 2.Student completing questionnaireStudent completing questionnaire 3.Student completing reflectionStudent completing reflection 4.Tutor commenting on student reflectionTutor commenting on student reflection 5.Tutor creating en e-Reflect questionnaireTutor creating en e-Reflect questionnaire