Comparatives & Superlatives
Comparatives & Superlatives Short adjectives: Add: ER Short – shorter Tall – taller Small – smaller Cold – colder
If you have C-V-C, double the last consonant: Big – bigger Hot – hotter Fat – fatter
Beautiful: more / less beautiful Modern: more / less modern Long Adjectives: Add: MORE / LESS Beautiful: more / less beautiful Modern: more / less modern Expensive: more / less expensive
Comparisons always use the word: THAN She is taller THAN her sister. Useful tip: Comparisons always use the word: THAN She is taller THAN her sister. This city is more modern THAN the other one.
Superlatives – Short Adjectives: Add: EST Short – shortest Tall – tallest Small – smallest Cold - coldest
Superlatives – Long Adjectives Add: most / least Beautiful: most / least beautiful Modern: most / least modern Expensive: most / least expensive
Superlatives always use the word: THE Useful tip: Superlatives always use the word: THE She is THE most beautiful girl in my class. It is THE most expensive car in the shop.
Irregular adjectives: Good – better – best Bad – worse – worst Far – farther – farthest Or Further - furthest