18th Century Dynastic Rivalry & Global Trade Wars The Atlantic World as a Battlefield
War of Jenkins Ear Based in British – Spanish rivalry in the Caribbean / West Indies Spanish “atrocity” vs. British sea captain British declare war due to the “insult” It is the first of many 18th c. wars Indicates the intensity of the international rivalries of the 1700s
War of Austrian Succession Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia begins by seizing Silesia from Austria Violates the Pragmatic Sanction of German speaking areas of Europe Prussia seeking power & recognition Maria Theresa displays leadership, preserves the Hapsburg throne BUT Opens door for future Magyar power plays
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle France had joined Prussia v. Austria & GB, trying to gain advantage… backfires War in Europe was a stalemate Major treaty provisions: Prussia retains Silesia GB gains slave importation rights French – British conflict in America unresolved
Seven Years War 1756-63 1st Major “Global” war, fought around world Frederick the Great attacks Saxony… dude? Brings about alliance: France+Austria+Russia+others… oops! GB helps Prussia, Russia withdraws War ends, no major changes on Continent… BUT… in America it continues… French & Indian War = GB v. F with Natives on each side… French lose war, lose colonies in America
1700s Big Changes = ?? After the series of wars in 1700s: France loses Canada and India to GB GB rises to surpass France & Spain as #1 Slavery is ingrained in the Americas Prussia is on the rise in Europe Austria is starting to decline Russia is emerging as a spoiler, alliance target
American Revolution…colonies American colonists (as British citizens) help GB def. France in Seven Years War After Treaty of Paris 1763 GB is near BK, needs revenue & time to re-think policy Proclamation of 1763 = No moving west Revenue Acts: Sugar, Stamp, Tea, Intolerable, etc. anger colonists… spurs challenge to GB policy… leads to revolt Declaration of Independence > WAR! Colonists def. GB gain independence 1783
American Revolution… in GB GB divided over “war in America” Internal division King v. Whigs in Parliament Wilkes Affair shows royal tyranny, divided nation & was used to justify American action Yorkshire Association = reform movement Limited support caused failure, too narrow of a political base… lesson?
The End Game GB surpasses France, balance of power shift to nation with strongest maritime trade and navy American independence showed that people CAN challenge authority “en masse”, given the right combination of circumstances Ideas of freedom, rights, local control begin to take root, Old Regime is on its way out!