Terms you need to know on the water! Boating Terms Terms you need to know on the water!
aground Touching bottom.
anchor A object that holds a vessel in place.
Abeam Straight out from amidship at a right angle.
Amidship While facing forward, it is the middle of the ship.
Bearing The 360 points on a compass that shows direction.
Bow The front part of the boat.
Capacity Plate Plate on the inside of the vessel that displays maximum weight capacity and horsepower rating.
Can Buoy Green buoy, odd numbered on the left side while returning from the sea.
Capsize To turn over.
Cardinal Points The four main points of a compass; north, south, east and west.
Come About To change course, or tack, in a sailboat.
Compass Instrument that shows the heading of a vessel.
Displacement Hull The type of hull that plows through the water.
Draft The depth of the vessel below the water line, measured vertically to the lowest part of the hull.
Float Plan Information left with someone concerning your boating trip
Give-Way Vessel Yields the right of way to avoid collision when nearing another vessel, also the burdened vessel.
Gunwale Top edge of the vessel.
Hypothermia A physical condition where the body loses heat faster than it can produce it.
Nun Buoy A Conical, red buoy bearing an even number and marking the starboard side of a channel from seaward. Remember – “red, right, returning”
PFD Personal flotation device (life-jacket).
Planing Hull Type of hull that is shaped to lift out of the water at high speeds and ride on the surface.
Port The left side of the boat when facing the bow.
Privileged Vessel Vessel with the right of way and must hold its course and speed.
Rules of the Road Set of guidelines that operators follow for safety on the water.
Starboard The right side of the boat when facing the bow.