ICD Registry Jan/Feb 2010 Update 1,500 enrolled 490,000 patient records % ICD-Premier Submissions: 78% % ICD-CMS Limited Submissions: 22% Version 2.0: Launch April 1, 2010 Generators: Primary and Secondary Prevention Leads: Atrial, Ventricular, defib and Left Heart Pediatric ICD Implantations < 21 years. Scheduled for release second quarter 2010 Funding Hospital fee $3,395.00 Analytic & Reporting Services Provide data to CMS for reimbursement HCA Management Services: A & R Services Research ICD Longitudinal Study –Funding Industry and Payers Task order with FDA V2.0 Lead Data Published Manuscripts: 9 In Review: 2 In Preparation: 11 Abstracts: 20 ICD Registry Jan/Feb 2010 Update