European Influence in Asia Happy Friday!
Religious Rivalries Not everyone welcomed Europeans into Asia Many Asian nations didn’t want Christianity being spread bc they practiced their own religions. Hinduism Buddhism
Christianity begins to spread Missionaries bring Christianity with them during exploration and trading. Jesuits= Catholic missionaries Francis Xavier= famous Jesuit missionary who converted 300,000 Japanese to Christianity
Japan and China practiced Isolationism They didn’t want any foreign influence, especially religion, coming into their countries. They closed their countries to other nations. One exception The Dutch Because the Dutch were only interested in trade and not spreading religion, they traded with the Dutch.
European breakthroughs in Asia The Portuguese had success seizing the Moluccas or the spice islands; this didn’t last long because the Dutch pushed the Portuguese out! Spanish founded a colony in the Philippines at Manila. They converted a lot of people to Catholicism The Europeans had limited influence on the mainland states of Southeast Asia (Vietnam/Thailand)/