Discussion: What is imperialism? U.S. Imperialism
Reasons for U.S. Expansion Economic Depression of 1893 Need for markets
“We are raising more than we can consume…We are making more than we can use. Therefore, we must find new markets for our produce, we must find new occupation for our capital, new work for our labor.” Senator Albert J. Beveridge (1899)
Reasons for U.S. Expansion Social Frederick Jackson Turner & the Frontier Thesis John Fiske & Manifest Destiny Josiah Strong & Social Darwinism Rudyard Kipling & the “White Man’s Burden”
“The work the English race began when it colonized North America is destined to on until every land on the earth’s surface that is not already the seat of an old civilization shall become English in its language, in its religion, in its political habits and traditions, and to a predominant extent in the blood of its people.” - John Fiske
Reasons for U.S. Expansion Political European Imperialism Alfred Thayer Mahan & U.S. Naval dominance Monroe Doctrine, 1823
Hawaii American missionaries Sugar plantations Queen Lili’uokalani Stanford Dole
Cuba Jose Marti and Cuban nationalists fight for independence Sinking of the battleship Maine, 1898 Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines Platt Amendment, 1901 Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders
Philippines Filipino nationalists and U.S. forces unite to defeat imperialist Spain Treaty of Paris, 1898 Emilio Aguinaldo & the Filipino fight for independence 1902, end of war in the Philippines Foothold in Asia
Philippines “to educate the Filipinos and to uplift and civilize and Christianize them, and by God’s grace do the very best we could by them.” - President McKinley
U.S. Empire, 1900
China “Spheres of influence” Secretary of State John Hay & the Open Door Boxer Rebellion
Anti-Imperialism Anti-Imperialist League, 1898 Membership was varied Believed in the right of all people to independence and self-government
U.S. Imperialism Key Terms: Social Darwinism, “White Man’s Burden”, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Queen Liliuoakalani, Platt Amendment, Emilio Aguinaldo, Boxer Rebellion, Open Door