Welcome to AP Bio Mrs. Hobbs


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to AP Bio Mrs. Hobbs 2018-2019 AP Biology Welcome to AP Bio Mrs. Hobbs 2018-2019

A little about me… I have taught biology for 7 years I have 5 children and 3 grandchildren My husband, daughter and I all drag race I grew up in the Denver suburbs Live on families 135 yr old ranch I have taught grades K- high school I love art, viewing, discussing, creating all of it. Considered becoming an art teacher instead.

Course Description The Advanced Placement Biology course is designed to be the equivalent of a College Introductory Biology Course taken by science majors during their first year. A college biology course differs significantly from the usual high school course in respect to the textbook used, the range and depths of topics covered, the laboratory work done by students, and the time and effort required. YOU WILL need to read the material which will be discussed in class the next day. This course is very rigorous and requires much time and effort to succeed. As a result, I hope that you develop a passion for the subject matter, as well as discover a real world connection. It is my expectation that you come to class prepared each day (with reading and any daily work done before arrival) so you can be actively involved in classroom discussions and activities.

Main Goal of Course… Prepare each of you for the A.P. Exam that will be taken in May, and you will be eligible to earn college credit. Throughout this class, you will develop analytical skills, be introduced to new laboratory techniques, and refine your written communication. The AP Biology Curriculum is framed around four big ideas:   The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. Biological systems utilize energy and molecular building blocks to grow, reproduce, and maintain homeostasis. Living systems retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes. Biological systems interact, and these interactions possess complex properties.

How to be successful in this class… Effort, effort, effort! (this can be a challenging course and you will need to do prep outside of class as well!) Complete work on time Read assigned materials, look up videos, ask questions Do not copy off others! You do NOT learn that way, it may get the assignment done, but it will not help you on the test

What About The Grade Assignments 25% Tests & Quizzes 30% ✪ class work ✪ Unit tests/quizzes ✪ Homework ✪ Finals Engagement 15% Notebook Checks 10% ✪ Prepared for class ✪ notebooks should follow rubric ✪ On task, following instructions ✪ Be complete, neat organized ✪ Participation Labs 15% ✪ Lab Data ✪ Lab Reports

Make-up Work & Redo’s ✪ There will not be redo’s on failed tests ✪ Late work will be accepted for up to a week past the due date for 70% of the score they earned ✪ School’s absent policy will be followed, 2 days for every 1 day missed ✪ Student’s can get work off of google drive folder I have shared with them.

Textbook: Helpful Websites: Contact me at: Textbook & Other Class Resources Textbook: Campbells 11th AP Edition Helpful Websites: Join my quizlet so you can use my quiz/test study materials: https://quizlet.com/_4zppek Contact me at: Email: hobbsk@wsd3.org Or Phone: 719-391-3652