Parametric Study of CSR in the MEIC CCR


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Presentation transcript:

Parametric Study of CSR in the MEIC CCR January 30, 2012

Parameters p = 54 MeV/c ex=y = 3 mm-mrad ez = (33.3, 66.6, 99.9) ps × 5.4 keV Qbunch = (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0) nC Run 50,000 particles in elegant Turn CSR on in dipoles (no csrdrift) Track for 10 turns

2.0 nC Track bunches with sz=(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) cm for 10 turns at 2.0 nC

1.5 nC Track bunches with sz=(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) cm for 10 turns at 1.5 nC

1.0 nC Track bunches with sz=(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) cm for 10 turns at 1.0 nC

0.5 nC Track bunches with sz=(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) cm for 10 turns at 0.5 nC

100 Turns 0.5 nC with 3 cm long bunch (rms) tracked for 100 turns with CSR sDE/E = 5.4 keV sDE/E = 49.8 keV

Increase Dipole Bend Radii Track for 1 turn (2.0 nC, 1 cm) sDE/E = 6.7 keV nominal sDE/E = 20.5 keV larger bend radii

1-d model