VocInspire : a controlled vocabulary for Inspire September 2014 Dr. Benoît DAVID Geographic Information Division Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable development and Energy - France September 2014
The need + the idea It is difficult to find data in Inspire catalogs One of the reason is the lack of a controlled vocabulary for Inspire The theme of the dataset is not enough The interoperability regulation defines a lot of terms in all the EU languages Why not using these terms to index the datasets ? Particularly : The feature concepts Some values of lists of codes which define sub-concepts Exemple: zoneType of “Management Restriction Or Regulation Zone”
How VocInspire is built ? VocInspire is a controlled vocabulary built with : the themes defined by the directive + when necessary, the packages defined by the interoperability regulation under, the feature concepts defined by the regulation through the spatial object types, finally, when an attribute of the spatial object type take its values in a list of codes, when this list of codes is only used by this attribute and when the values of the list of codes can be considered as sub-concepts and bring an interesting semantic, these values are brought under the feature concept.
What is available ? A first shot is available at : http://docinspire.eu/cvoc/ It uses concepts defined by INSPIRE regulations and the URI defined in the INSPIRE Registry It is available in French, English, German, Italien and Spanish Using the Inspire Registry, it can be extended easily to all EU languages It can be exported as a SKOS vocabulary It can be used to index datasets and services In 2015 a new version of Geonetwork should allow to use such as structured vocabulary When data will conform to Inspire specifications, it will be easy to extract automatically the keywords from the data.
Proposals to use it now ! It would be useful to keep the URI of keywords BUT the metadata TG don’t propose to use URI for keywords in controlled vocabulary I propose to use the label given in VocInspire which is not the label given in INSPIRE Registry when it is not translated Multi-lingual catalogs will have to make translation I propose to use for the thesaurus title its URI : http://uri.docinspire.eu/cvoc201409 Shouldn’t it be hosted by inspire.ec.europa.eu ?