Company Confidential OASIS Feedback Process (Using OASIS to Drive Improvement) 1
Types of Feedback The OASIS feedback process facilitates two of three identified feedback loops present in the ICOP process On the following flow chart these three feedback loops are shown –Feedback Loop A – Customer to Supplier * –Feedback Loop B – Customer to CB –Feedback Loop C – CB to Customer Feedback Loop A is not facilitated by the OASIS Feedback Process. This is typically an organizations corrective action process. OASIS also allows for direct feedback to CB or AB 2
3 Feedback Process Supplier Customer Certification Body Products/ product quality audit Audit findings PAH/POA holder Feedback B Feedback C Feedback B: Information on product quality problems to CB: -When related to possible QM system causes -to focus CB audit activities on potential weak spots Feedback C: Information on findings to the customer found by the CB during the audit: -to determine possible impact on product quality - to determine additional audits (surveillance) or other actions to the supplier Feedback A Feedback A: Information on product quality non- conformance to supplier: - to perform root cause analysis - to take corrective/preventive action, also on Quality system level
How OASIS Facilitates Feedback The OASIS feedback process facilitates two of three identified feedback loops present in the ICOP process On the following flow chart these three feedback loops are shown –Feedback Loop A – Customer to Supplier * –Feedback Loop B – Customer to CB –Feedback Loop C – CB to Customer * Feedback Loop A is not part of the OASIS Feedback Process 4
5 Logging On To OASIS Enter User ID and Password If not registered click on the link
6 Feedback Loop B Select Certified Suppliers link
7 Selecting a Certified Organization Enter Supplier Name or Other Search Criteria Press Search
8 Certificate Data Screen Scroll down to bottom of screen
9 Certificate Data Screen Select Contact issuing CRB tab
10 Feedback Entry Select Reason from drop down menu Select if a response is required or not Check if the certified supplier should receive a copy of the feedback Enter Subject and type in Feedback. Files may be added for clarity
11 When input is complete select the Create Feedback Request button Complete the Process
12 Manage feedback requests Click on Feedback for Certification Bodies
13 Review feedback responses Select category Click on request to see status and history Note: Status of request can be changed form Open to Closed by originator or by CB
14 Reviewing Response and Status Select Responses to Review Feedback Response Select Change Request Status to close Feedback Request Select Add Response to Request additional Feedback
15 How OASIS Facilitates Feedback The OASIS feedback process facilitates two of three identified feedback loops present in the ICOP process On the following flow chart these three feedback loops are shown –Feedback Loop A – Customer to Supplier * –Feedback Loop B – Customer to CB –Feedback Loop C – CB to Customer * Feedback Loop A is not part of the OASIS Feedback Process
16 Feedback Loop C Select Manage Watch List
17 Select Suppliers
18 Watch List Notification Rules Select Manage Notification
19 Feedback Loop C Setup criteria for notifications for Watch List
20 Direct Feedback to CB OR AB Click on Feedback for Certification & Accreditation Bodies
21 Direct Feedback to CB OR AB Create New Feedback Ticket for Certification or Accreditation Body
22 Feedback Process Summary Provides: Direct link to CB when AQMS issues or concerns at a certified organization are identified by OASIS users (Feedback Loop B). All feedback entries are used by SMS in support of oversight and improvement initiatives. Allows OASIS users to assist CBs in focusing audit activities on issues or concerns. Automated monitoring of certified organizations status through watch lists (Feedback Loop C) Through the use of the feedback process organizations can engage to ICOP process to both improve the process (feedback loop B) and keep informed as to changes in certified organizations status (feedback loop C) Direct feedback link to Accreditation or Certification Bodies should questions arise that need direct answers from AB or CBs