A Summary This is a story about Grandpa and his Grandson, Jack. Grandpa was a World War II pilot. He loved flying planes. Grandpa was sent to an old folk’s home called Twilight Towers. He was very unhappy there. The old folk’s home was run by a very nasty Matron, called Matron Swine. Grandpa and his Grandson, Jack planned a great escape. It was very difficult as Matron was after them! Jack loved his daring Grandpa and enjoyed the adventures with him.
Why I like this book I like this book because… It is very daring and exciting. Jack and his Grandpa spend lots of time together and are very good friends There are a lot of funny things that happen in the book. This book was gripping and I did not want to stop reading it. I will never forget this book.
MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER… Is Grandpa because: He is very funny. At times he can be very strange and crazy. Once Grandpa was on the church spire pretending he was flying a fighter jet!!!
My Favourite Part My favourite part of the book is when Grandpa and Jack escaped from Twilight Towers. I found this part of the story very thrilling as it was adventurous, dangerous and Scary in parts. Finally, Grandpa and Jack escape twilight towers away from the dreaded Matron Swine. They encountered lots of difficulties on their way.