People and the Planet- topic 3: Living Spaces 3.2 How far can growing demands for good living spaces become more sustainable? 3.2b) Different strategies exist to enable future living spaces to become more sustainable
What are sustainable living spaces? Although cities require support from the land around them, some cities have a larger ecological footprint then others In order for a city to be sustainable it needs 3 key things: Economic sustainability – allowing people to have access to a reliable income Social Sustainability – allowing people to have a reasonable quality of life with opportunities to achieve their potential Environmental sustainability – minimising damage to the environment and preventing all resources being used up Think of sustainability like a stool with 3 legs, with a broken or missing leg it will fall over and be unfit for purpose- Same with sustainability to achieve it all aspects need to be considered.
Read page 14 of textbook and answer these questions- What are the 2 main reasons megacities are UNSUSTAINABLE Copy models A (unsustainable city) and B (sustainable city). Compare the two. What are the major problem areas in large urban areas? Outline the 6 Sustainable Urban Strategies
Research and Presentation Task In groups of 2/ 3, use your handout and a computer to Outline the problems they needed to overcome Key features of their sustainability i.e. How did what they did encourage or increase sustainability? Have they been successful? Any negatives? Could this be transferred to other areas in the world? If so, where? or are their limitations? If so, what are they? You have the rest of today and homework, you will perform a 2-3 minute presentation on your place to the class in the second half of next lesson! 4
Places that are implementing sustainability strategies. Group students according to ability, most able do Spain and London LA Making Singapore more sustainable Eco-villages in Brazil Creating energy through urban algae farming Researching one of Britians new eco-towns e.g. Ford, Elsenham, Hanley Grange or Penbury Future Japan- Alice cities and the urban geo grid HA Barcelona, Spain Havana (Cuba) Reykjavik (Iceland) Masdar (United Arab Emmirates) Compact Communities Milton Keynes shared ownership housing scheme GT London (rent a bike, congestion charge, BEDZED) Need to photocopy- 176-9 of edexcel textbook, also use pages 183, 185, 186-7 of OUP
Lesson 6 Presentations- You have 25 minutes to sort out what you are going to say make sure any excess information is deleted, ensure you do not exceed 3 minutes ensure you have addressed all the important and necessary points
To be completed Place Key features of the project Was it sustainable? How? Any Negatives? Could it be used in other places? During the presentations, each INDIVIDUAL must complete (fill in) their table.
Practice Questions Explain 2 ways in which urban areas might be made more sustainable in the future (4 marks)
Practice Questions Explain 2 ways in which urban areas might be made more sustainable in the future (4 marks) Basic answer (0-1 mark) general comments only about sustainability being good or right, but no specific reason why or how it could be done Good answer (2 marks) One method of sustaining a place is identified, such as reducing dependence on cars and swapping for bikes Excellent answer (3-4 marks) 2 sustainable strategies are clearly explained such as increasing public transport or decreasing car use introducing congestion charge or increasing availability and ease of recycling.