Dune regeneration Sand dunes are effective buffers to the sea but are easily damaged and destroyed by trampling. Marram grass can be planted to stabilse dunes. Fences can be placed to protect the dunes. Costs- £200-£2000 per 100m Advantages- maintains a natural coastal environment, cheap. Disadvantages- Time-consuming to plant the marram grass and fence it off, people don’t always respond well to being prohibited from the planted areas, storms can damage them. Beach nourishment It is where additional sand or shingle is added to an existing beach to make it higher and wider. The sediment is normally found offshore and transported by barge. Costs- up to £500,000 per 100m Advantages- Relatively cheap and easy to maintain, blends in with existing beach, increase tourist potential. Disadvantages- needs constant maintenance. Homework Go through and highlight important information. Produce a revision card on the outline. Answer the Exam question Dune fencing Fences are constructed on a sandy beach along the seaward face of existing dunes to encourage new dune formation. The new dunes help to protect the existing dunes. Costs- £400-£2000 per 100m Advantages- Minimal impact on natural systems, can control public access to protect ecosystem. Disadvantages- can be unsightly if fences become broken, regular maintenance needed especially after storms Managed retreat Allows the sea to flood or erode an area of relatively low value land. It allows natural processes to take place. In the long term it is more sustainable than spending large sums of money trying to protect it. As sea levels continue to rise, managed retreat seems likely to become an increasingly popular choice for managing the coastline.
Both Hard and soft engineering are needed to protect the coast- Discuss 9 marks ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Marks 1-3 Basic sentences are made about management Marks 4-6 Able to make a decision and back this up with evidence Marks 7-9 Able to make a well justified decision backed up by facts and figures and named places