Kentucky Wildcats @ Bluejays Team Expectations Kentucky Wildcats @ Bluejays
The greater the challenge, the fiercer we fight!! Kentucky WildCats
How we conduct ourselves Polite Caring Supportive Follow rules Helpful Respectful of others
Classroom Listen when needed Raise our hands Stay on task Always try Respect the opinions of others Be the person you want to be know as Classroom
Lunch Room Move through the quickly Don’t block the entrance way No playing Remember our manners Don’t get up without permission Hold conversations for the first ten minute Keep appropriate volume Be neat and don’t not play with food Place trash in the basket Line up silent Lunch Room
Lockers Place bookbags in lockers Quiet in the hallway No sharing lockers Keep only appropriate items Get in, get out Do not share locker combination Lockers are not a social hangout Keep the hallway clean.
Bathrooms No more than 4 at a time No talking Keep bathroom clean Be polite Get in, get out Avoid gossip or horseplay
Dress Code Navy blue or khaki Navy blue or white collared shirt Sneakers/Rubber Soled Shoes Stud earrings or watch Belt (black/brown White or black socks Headband (girls) no more than an inch thick Dress Code
Transition Quiet when walking (other classes) Get to our destination Walk on the right side of the hallway Don’t congregate In line, stay in line Silent outside the classroom Arrive on time Remember to walk and keep hands to yourself
Preparation Bring materials Be ready to work Have a planner Have extras Complete our assignments Preparation
The Steps Verbal Warning Note/Call home Alternative Placement Silent Lunch Team Ideal Discipline Referral The Steps