Neil Madadi, Jasmyne Post, Marie McClary, Kalen Carper John’s Prognosis Neil Madadi, Jasmyne Post, Marie McClary, Kalen Carper
John’s Story John is a fifty year old man whose wife is concerned about some recent changes in her husband. He claims nothing is wrong, but his wife has noticed strange behavior in him.
Symptoms Walks in slow motion. John’s hand is shaking. Has balance issues. Takes longer than usual to get ready. John has became quiet. His handwriting is tiny. Like this: My name is John
What is Parkinson’s? Parkinsons Disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement. It is categorized into 5 stages and is caused by a lack of dopamine in brain. It is progressive-the symptoms worsen over time. Symtoms of the disease-cramping, smell dysfunction, slowness, retropulsion (you start to fall backwards when standing up), depression, and decreased reflexes. The doctors at the Life Science Academy have determined that John suffers from Parkinson’s Disease because he has bradykinesia, has balance issues, has emotional issues like being quiet, and has abn0rmally small handwriting.
Prognosis John’s life will become increasingly more difficult because his symptoms will worsen making everyday function difficult. The disease has 5 stages and in the fifth he will be wheel chair bound. The disease is not fatal and his life expectancy is the same as it would've been before diagnosis.
John’s Future
Biomedical Professionals Neurologist- This doctor diagnoses neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease. A neurologist can diagnose John’s disease by examining his medical history and reviewing his symptoms. There are no tests that can be done to diagnose Parkinson’s Disease. Only by examining John’s symptoms such as slow motion can John’s nuerologist diagnose the disease.
Surgeon Surgeons may be called into action when medicine does not help with certain symptoms of Parkinson's (such as muscle problems). In Parkinsons a part of the brain called the globus pallidus becomes over active, which makes the brain slow down and dimished bodily movement. A surgeon may destroy this area of the brain to lessen rigidity, reduce tremors, bradykinesia and balance problems.