City Statistics Illustrated Gorja BARTSCH Eurostat E4 Regional statistics and geographical information
Objectives Increase the visibility and use of European statistics on cities Present the latest Urban Audit data in a visual, more user-friendly way Enable easy comparisons of cities Thus implementing the Eurostat strategy to complement exisiting publications with interactive, web-based tools
Main features Data for 941 core cities (EU28, TR, NO, CH) 20 indicators based on relevance/availability Data refer to 2012 or the latest available year (back to 2008) Search function for city names
Indicators pre-selected Population on 1 January (T/M/F) Population change over 1 year (%) Women per 100 men Young-age dependency ratio (%) Old-age dependency ratio (%) Age dependency ratio (%) Nationals as proportion of population (%) Foreigners as proportion of population (%) EU foreigners as proportion of population (%) Non-EU foreigners as proportion of population (%)
Indicators pre-selected (2) Crude birth rate (per 1000 inhabitants) Crude death rate (per 1000 inhabitants) Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births) Average size of households Proportion of households that are 1-person households (%) Students in higher education (ISCED level 5-6), total Unemployment rate (M/T/F) (%) Activity rate (M/T/F) (%) Number of registered cars (per 1000 population) People killed in road accidents (per 10000 population)
Interactive visualisations
Fixed size of circles based on population <= 100 000 100 000–250 000 250 000–500 000 500 000–1 000 000 1 000 000–3 000 000 > 3 000 000 Colour legend to show the values (6 classes)
Mouse-over to display the exact value
Selection of cities per country
Bar chart
Search function
Compare selected cities with Ctrl key
Advanced functions to compare different indicators
Scatter plot
Zoom in and display city names
Distribution plot
Data table
Search function
Pivot function
Next steps Looking forward to YOUR feedback! Final testing and bug-fixing Go live by end of June Presentation at the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels (October) Data updates every 6 months Integration of additional indicators and/or time series based on availability
Points for Discussion Your experiences with similar tools Feedback on the features and visualisations Use of static data: right approach to cope with gaps regarding coverage/timeliness?