Taiwan PV Technical Committee Liaison Report Updated October 7, 2010 Venue, Location, Date
Contents Leadership Update Current Committee Structure Committee Meeting Information SC/TF/WG Updates Regional Staff Contact Information
Leadership Update Current Leader’s Name Title (Affiliation Name) Co-chairs Jeff Lee (Chroma) B.N. Chuang (CMS-ITRI) Y.Y. Tsai (Delsolar) J.S. Chen (PVTC-ITRI) Ray Sung (UL Taiwan)
Taiwan PV Standards Technical Committee 10. 07, 2010
Committee Meeting Information Last meeting Sep. 30, 2010 ITRI, Hsinchu Next meeting Jan. 12, 2011
c-Si Cell Appearance TF Leader Jeff Lee/Chroma Charter: Due to increasing demand for quality, c-Si solar cell appearance characteristics such as chipped cell, stain on cell surface, cell color etc., have become standard test requirements for c-Si solar cell manufacturing. However, no standard has been set in this field. As a result, c-Si solar cell manufacturers may receive very different specs from different customers, which dramatically increases the cost and add loading in process control. This standard aims to gather industry consensus and provide a qualification and/or classification criteria for c-Si cell appearance. Working on draft 4833, Specification for Color reference cell and Detection of c-Si PV cell surface visible defects
Vibration Test Method TF Leader Teng-Chun Wu/ITRI Charter: To develop technical standard specifications and guidelines related to vibration test methods and characterization of PV modules due to vibrational stress. Drafting doc. 4997, Test Method For Mechanical Vibration of c-Si Photovoltaic (PV) Modules In Shipping Environment (ballot in cycle 7-10)
PV Wafer Measurement Method TF Leader J.C Lin/Chunson Charter: Due to increasing demand for quality, PV Si Wafer Metrology such as Geometry (Dimensions, TTV, Warp/Sori) Electrical Character (Resistivity, Carrier Lifetime), Visible and Non-Visible Defect, Saw-Mark, Stain on Wafer Surface, etc., have become standard test requirements for c-Si (both Mono- and Multi- ) wafer manufacturing. However, no standard has been set in this field. As a result, c-Si solar wafer manufacturers are confused by very different specs with their customers, which dramatically increases the cost and add loading in process control. This standard aims to gather industry consensus and provide a qualification and/or classification criteria for c-Si Wafer Metrology. Discussing specific standards topic for wafer measurement
Regional Staff Contact Information Name Melody Yang E-mail myang@semi.org Phone +886-3-573-3399 Fax +886-3-573-3355 Office Address 3F, 49-2, Lane 2, Sec. 2, Kuang-fu Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan Other Committees In charge I&C / EHS / FPD / PV Committee