Rise of Fascism and Militarism in Europe and Japan 1919-1936
What is Fascism? Policies glorify the state over the individual and are destructive to basic human rights (not communist)
Benito Mussolini: “il Duce” Problems facing Italy Rise of Blackshirts Fascism His “reforms?” Desire for a “New Rome”
Adolf Hitler Weimar Republic Economic problems lead to unrest Nazism and Mein Kampf Kristallnacht 1938 Nuremberg Laws 1935
Joseph Stalin Five Year Plan Forced collectivization Kulaks Gulag Secret Police The Great Purge
Japan’s Militarism Changes after WWI Economic Unrest Attempts to quickly modernize, militarize 1931 Manchuria and League’s reaction? Influence of Japan’s history on the attitudes of military/political leaders?