What Zonta can do for you - Mentorship Kathleen Douglass
Training / Mentoring/Coaching Role of trainer Giving information based on knowledge expertise Role of mentor Conveys wisdom based on experience Role of coach Enables other to work through and solve their own problems PJ to explain they may blur depending on needs of learner, questions asked and context of conversation
What is mentoring? Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person.
Club mentor program Choose the right match Set up orientation Mentor has Zonta experience New(er) member wants support Set up orientation Start off on same page Expectations Discuss goals
Mentors can make new members’ life easier Recognizes abilities and strengths Provides professional, personal and perhaps emotional support Clarifies ‘Zontanese’ terminology Explains Zonta structure and rules Encourages experiences beyond club
Mentors’ role Offer advice when asked Show a strong interest in their relationship with Zonta – retention factor! Offer words of encouragement, inspiration and sometimes challenge Look for special opportunities or projects to highlight the person’s ability
3 steps to getting the most out of mentorship Communicate as needed to discuss some of the issues around Zonta at both the club, district and international level Look for specific opportunities that maximize the relationship with each other and with Zonta Evaluate as you go along to determine when the mentorship is closed
Expected Results Feel more comfortable in club Stronger Zonta loyalty Leading by example Members will develop a stronger, wider network Experience beyond club level Apply our mission of service and advocacy to our own members
Zonta Connect program A relationship between two individuals facilitated by Zonta Maximize resources to extend our reach, enhance our reputation as a trusted advisor and build capacity for our members Program provides a conduit of awareness and education Use ‘ low touch’ to extend reach, enhance reputation, build member capacity Program came to be out of input from volunteers through surveys, discussions and workshops Unique service offered as pilot (building the bike as we ride it)
Objectives of the mentor program To facilitate the transfer of information and knowledge To provide a supportive and non-threatening learning and networking opportunity To help build capacity for our members To develop stronger relationship with Zonta To develop leadership development advocates
What is the value of mentorship? Mentoring helps both the learning associate and the mentor recognise their abilities and areas for development, thus highlighting areas for future development It will help develop communication skills It helps to groom future mentors = leaders
How to use a mentor effectively Make a list of goals – what do you want to get out of the relationship Maximize your mentor’s value to you – use as a resource Ask for advice Bounce ideas off your mentor Discuss problems Develop a relationship – get to know your mentor
Role of Mentor Help Learning Associate to develop strengths Share best practices and/or knowledge and experience in Zonta Mentors should discuss their Learning Associate’s goals and adjust accordingly Promote effective and timely communication and maintain regular contact As discussed – what things to offer Not to provide specific H&S solutions or make recommendations as to service providers Example – considering question about confined spaces – rather than give name of provider – suggest questions to ask when sourcing When in doubt – check with community coaches
Conclusion At club level – increases retention Greater comfort level of taking on new roles Builds a sense of team At district level – offers Zonta experiences and relationships beyond club Strengthens district relations Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. John C. Crosby
Zonta District 4 Mentor program Check out: Zonta District 4 website -> Resources -> Mentor program Information and applications