Warm-Up List one characteristic for each of the following: - A physical map - A political map - A thematic map
Quiz Time! Today you will be taking a short quiz on what we have learned about maps. You have ten minutes to review.
Quiz Time! Instructions: Write your name on your quiz paper. Circle your answer on the quiz paper. Fill in the bubble on the answer document for each question. Raise your hand when you are finished.
Learning about the Planet Continents, Oceans, and Tectonics
Objective I will be able to identify the 7 continents and 5 oceans and explain how plate tectonics affects continental movement.
The Seven Continents
The Five Oceans
Practice! On the map worksheet, label each of the continents and oceans.
Video Time! As we watch the video, answer the questions on the sheet in front of you. We will go over the answers at the end.
Practice! On the back of your map worksheet, answer questions on the tectonic plates. You may work with a partner.
Exit Ticket What is one side effect of plates moving next to each other?