Introduction of IHEP
Institute of High Energy Physics Management system Theoretical Physics Institute of High Energy Physics Research Experimental Physics Astro-particle physics Accelerator Physics Multi-discipline research Applied tech. center Computer center Administration Employee: ~ 1400 Students: ~ 400 Visitors: ~ 400 Budget:~ 1.1 B RMB/year Support
Current and Future Projects Accelerator-based: BEPCII/BESIII ? Underground Neutrino physics: Daya Bay JUNO Cosmic-ray physics on surface: ASg/ARGO LHAASO Astro-particle physics in space: HXMT HERD International projects
A high lumi. e+e- collider at the t-c energy region BEPCII/BESIII: Operational since 2009 A high lumi. e+e- collider at the t-c energy region ADONE BEPCII CESRc BEPC SPEAR DORIS I
BESIII data taking status & plan Previous Data set BESIII Near future J/psi BESII 58M 2009:200M,2012:1 B Psi’ CLEO:28 M 2009:100M,2012:0.4 B Psi” CLEO:0.8 /fb 2010:0.9/fb,2011:2.6/fb y(4040)/y(4160) & scan CLEO:0.6/fb @ y(4160) 2011:0.4/fb @ y(4040) 2013:0.5/fb (4260), 0.5/fb (4360) R scan & Tau BESII 2013:1.5/fb (4260) BESIII will continue for the next 8-10 years
Daya Bay experiment
Mass Hierarchy by reactors: JUNO Daya Bay Huizhou Lufeng Yangjiang Taishan Status running planned approved Construction construction power/GW 17.4 18.4 Overburden ~ 700 m 选点 2 陆丰 惠州 大亚湾 Site Hong Kong Mass Hierarchy Mixing parameters Supernova neutrinos Geoneutrinos Sterile neutrinos Taishan:18.4 GW 2018/12/2 Yangjiang:17.4 GW
Yang-Ba-Jin Cosmic-ray observatory ~3TeV ~300GeV Sino-Italian ARGO experiment (RPC hall) Sino-Japanese AS γ experiment (scintillation detector array) Sino-Italian ARGO experiment (part of RPC carpet) ASγ scintillation detector
LHAASO:Approved by the government Equivalent to CD0 of US DOE 万 400
HXMT ---- Hard x-ray modulate telescope All sky x-ray survey Approved on March 2011, to be launched on 2014 On schedule up to now ME LE HE 单机:111台 质量:1021kg 信号:1881路 功耗:350W
HERD:Onboard China’s Space Station Charge detector: 2-layered Si+PIN. Charge measurement Shower Tracker: W+scintillation fibers Nucleon Tracker: scintillation fibers. ECAL: lepton calorimeter. e/γ energy. HCAL: hadron calorimeter. e/p discrimination and CR composition. PWO or BGO W+ CsI(Na) + Fiber + ICCD Neutron detector: B-doped plastic scintillator for delayed signals. Enhanced e/p discrimination.
International projects Energy frontier: LHC ILC Precision frontier: Panda BELLE II Comet Non-accelerator: AMS EXO
Research based on Synchrotron Radiation and spallation neutrons Nano safety and Nano medicine Material sciences Protein crystallography Environment science Medical imaging
Small angle scattering BEPCII 4w1 Diffuse Scattering X-ray fluorescence analysis Topography 4B9 X-ray Diffraction Small angle scattering Photoemission SpectroscPopy 3B1 Lithography 3W1 Middle energy 4W1B 4W1A 4B9B 4B9A 3B1B 3B1A 3W1A 3W1B 4 wigglers and 13 beam lines. > 300 exp./year from > 100 institutions Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility 1W1A XAFS 1W1B High-pressure diffraction LIGA VUV Macromolecular 3B3 1w1 4w2 Soft X-ray Optics
Spallation neutron source Phase I: 100 kW Phase II: 500 kW Start time: 2011 Completion time: 2017
ADS R&D First low β(=0.12) Spoke cavity successfully manufactured in China and passed vertical test. Other activities on track
BAPS: approved by government A 5GeV, 1284m light source, upgradable to ERL
Have a nice time in Beijing