General Music Day Thirty- Seven
Bell Work How To Always LABEL you bell work with the date. You may use the same page for several of your bell works. ALWAYS use at least THREE complete sentences to answer the question. Save your bell work for bell work check in’s. If you miss class, you may go onto Mrs V’s website to get the missed bell work question. It is YOUR responsibility to get the bell work completed.
Bell Work #37 Your parents have decided to take you to ANY concert that you would like to see next week. Who would you like to see and why? Use three complete sentences!
Planner Homework: Soundtrack Of My Life project worksheets : Page 3-5 – Do the write up for Event 2, 3,4, &5 You will need to bring scissors, markers or colored pencils, and a glue stick to class on MONDAY.
Today I will learn: I will learn to pair meaningful events in my life with songs, creating a soundtrack for my life thus far.
Soundtrack of my Life Mrs. V will show everyone together: How to set up the word document. How to copy the lyrics and paste them in the word document. How to format the lyrics. How to cite the website the lyrics came from. How to save the lyrics sheet. How to print the lyrics sheet.
Soundtrack of my Life Tasks for today: Make sure your name is on all of your documents! Part III on worksheet page 2. **Start with creating a word document to collect the LYRICS of your songs. 1. Under word, select a new document and save it to your J or your S drive (J if you have it!) under general music> your quarter> your class period. Save it as yourname Song Lyrics See the instructions on page two of your packet for how to save lyrics. SAVE AND PRINT YOUR LYRICS WHEN YOU ARE DONE!
Exit: There is no exit ticket today!