Warm-up: Why was the first computer developed? Who made the first successful commercial computer? What happened to the labor unions because of globalization and the US service economy?
The U.S. 21st-Century The Economy
Government & Economy Each year the government collects taxes and uses that money to provide services across the nation and globe If the government spends more than it takes in, it is called deficit spending GDP-gross domestic product-the total value of all goods and services produced domestically by a nation during a year. GNP-gross national product- the total value of all final goods and services produced annually by a nation
21st-Century Economy “dot.com” sector collapsed in April 2001 Stock Market began a substantial decline, lasting over a year Housing “bubble” begins collapsing finally creating chaos in late 2007, early 2008. Thousands of homes go into foreclosure after a decade of “shady, risky” lending with no one questioning. Annual income rose 20% for wealthiest 20% of population, rose 8% for next 20%, remained flat for remaining 60% with actual drops in bottom 20%, creating a two-tiered economy.
21st-Century Economy (cont) By 2008, top 1% of population averaged over $1.1 million annually, while bottom 90% only averaged $31 thousand. Outsourcing US jobs becomes prevalent among top US corporations starting in the early 2000s, even as tax dollars bailed them out. The 2000s also saw the coming of the “digital divide” in that low and poor income homes have no computers or digital access skills now almost mandatory for employment
2008 Recession Emergency Economic Stabilization Act 2008 Rescued many large banks and brokerage houses American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 Gave money to state & local governments for projects TARP (troubled asset recovery program) $80 billion to “bail-out” auto industry-Chrysler & GM Auto industry paid back money with interest (2014 last of government involvement) Indiscriminate and risky banking practices
_________ Medicare __________ _________ Social Security __________ _________ Military __________ _________ Interest on Debt __________ _________ Veteran’s Benefits __________ _________ Food & Agriculture __________ _________ Education __________ _________ Transportation __________ _________ Housing & Comm __________ _________ International Affairs __________ _________ Energy & Environ __________ _________ Science __________