Global Warming Problem Prediction One of Reasons: CO2 Accumulation in Air
Green House Effect Increasing Green House Gases: Humidity, CO2, Methane, NOx, Sox etc. I.R. Absorption Sun I.R. Radiation Infra Red Absorption into Green House Gases and on the Earth surface Earth Preserving Heat in the Air Air Temperature Rise in the Air I.R.:Infra Red
Imbalance of Carbon Cycle Measurement at Hawaii (1956-1987) CO2 increase in Air for 30 yrs: 34 ppm -) Spent Fossile Fuel for 30 yrs: 61 ppm Missing Sink: -27 ppm Where? (Forest, Sea or Others?)
Wind Velocity near Sea Surface (Satellite Observation) Wind Velocity (m/s)
CO2 Flux Distribution (Flux=E•DPco2, E=0.03U-3) (White area: DPco2 data is not available.)
Gas Absorption Modeling Traditional Two-Box Model - Based on Constant Diffusivity - Neglect Fluid Dynamic Effect CO2 Air Comparison of Surface Layer Thickness Two-Box Model: 800 m Measurement: 100 m Surface Layer Big Difference! Sea Challenge! Solid line: Two-Box Model Dashed line: Measurement Direct Numerical Simulation Get Gas Exchange Rate at Sea Surf.
Turbulent Heat and Mass transfer Turbulent Free Surface Flows Establishment of Turbulence Model in Free Surface Flows Industrial Devices Fusion Reactor River, Ocean Including Free Surface Turbulent Flow Turbulent Heat and Mass transfer across Free Surface ? ○ Turbulence Structure near Free Surface ○ Turbulent Heat and Mass Transfer across Free Surface Wind-driven Turbulent Flow The aim of this study is to investigate the CO2 absorption at the turbulent free-surface deformed by the shear wind, by means of direct numerical solution procedure for a coupled gas-liquid flow: MARS (Multi-interface Advection and Reconstruction Solver).
Computational domain and coordinate system Water Free-surface Lx=5h Lz=10h Ly=2h h Bottom wall Wind Computational domain and coordinate system
Wind Water Ly=2h Lz=10h Bottom wall Lx=5h Bird’s-eye view of Coherent Structure in Wind-driven Turbulent Free Surface Flow Light green Region: Atmospheric Pressure Contour surface High Speed Region in Gas-side (Brown),High Speed Region in Water-side (Blue) Color Section: Streamwise Instantaneous Velocity (-0.01[m/s] Blue<W<2.24[m/s] Red)
DNS Result Need More Computation and Detailed Flow Data
Some Common Aspects between Global Warming Problem and Fusion Nuclear Technology from the Perspective of Thermofluid Research* T. KUNUGI (Kyoto Univ.) and S. SATAKE(Toyama Univ.) * Commentary to J. of Plasma and Fusion Research, Vol.76, No.11, 2000, pp.1129-1136 Scientific interest in the environmental and meteorological fields has been focused on the estimation of the temperature rise on the earth in the near and far future. This problem is strongly related to the imbalance of the amount of carbon on the earth after the industrial revolution; so-called the "Missing Sink" problem. The temperature rise is estimated by the gas transfer flux=(gas transfer rate) x (partial pressure difference of CO2 between air and sea surface). It is very difficult to measure and estimate the gas exchange coefficient resulting from the air-sea interaction because of very high Schmidt number (Sc) turbulent fluid flow with free surface deformation. On the other hand, the utilization of high Prandtl number (Pr) fluid flows with free surface as a coolant in an advanced magnetic fusion reactor and as a chamber protection scheme in an inertial confinement fusion reactor have been considered. Because the diffusivities of high Pr or Sc fluids are very small, when the high temperature or concentration regions appear on the free surface caused by plasma radiation or carbon-dioxide gas absorption respectively, the scalar transport from the free surface to the bulk flow is very slow compared to the fluid motion. In this paper, some common aspects between the heat transfer of high Pr free surface flow in fusion engineering and the mass transfer of high Sc free surface flow in the global warming problem are discussed.