Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Parent Survey Overview Presented to the Board of Education, June 12, 2018
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Parent Survey Overview Survey Purpose and Construct (direct questions and open ended responses) Survey Response Dates: March 16-March 30, 2018 1,195 Survey Responses Purpose – survey intro Construct – Types of Questions (direct and open ended responses) dates; number of responses
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Current WCSD Program Structure Middle School Grades 5-8 Grade 5: 30 minutes every other day Grades 6-8: one period daily French and Spanish High School French, Spanish, German, and Latin HS – what is offered German runs at North but is in all HS catalogs as an available option. Enrollment is a factor in courses running.
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Parent Survey Overview School Amount % Country Parkway 111 9.3% Dodge Elementary 82 6.9% Forest Elementary 97 8.1% Heim Elementary 125 10.5% Maple East Elementary 149 12.5% Maple West Elementary 122 10.2% Casey Middle 106 8.9% Heim Middle 105 8.8% Mill Middle 156 13.1% Transit Middle 189 15.8% East High 142 11.9% North High 169 14.1% South High 123 10.3% My child or children attend the following school(s) (select all that apply)
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Parent Survey Overview How important is it to you that the Williamsville Central School District expands its Languages Other Than English (LOTE) program? Category Amount % Very Important 733 61.3% Somewhat Important 329 27.5% Not Important 108 9.0% No Opinion 25 2.1%
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Parent Survey Overview Grade Amount % Grade K 439 36.7% Grade 1 103 8.6% Grade 2 75 6.3% Grade 3 97 8.1% Grade 4 Grade 5 299 25% Grade 6 32 2.7% Grade 7 33 2.8% Grade 8 20 1.7% Ideally, when would you prefer LOTE instruction to begin in the Williamsville Schools?
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Parent Survey Overview Amount % American Sign Language 119 10% Arabic 28 2.3% French 79 6.6% German 16 1.3% Italian 13 1.1% Latin 42 3.5% Mandarin Chinese 294 24.6% Spanish 604 50.5% If LOTE instruction is expanded to include elementary instruction, what is your preference regarding the language of study that would be offered?
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Parent Survey Overview Do you support students learning/taking more than one language other than English? Yes = 88.1% No = 11.9% Do you support online courses for language learning taught by NYS certified teachers? Yes = 74.6% No = 25.4% Other languages
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Parent Survey Overview Considerations/Reflective Questions What does the parent survey tell us? What themes emerge? What additional stakeholder feedback do we need to secure? What benchmark comparison data/other information do we have? What additional information may be needed? What are our potential options and next steps in an effort to provide a recommendation and plan for next steps?
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Parent Survey Overview Presented to the Board of Education, June 12, 2018