Welcome/Croeso Student Engagement in Quality Assurance Processes at Cardiff University
Steve Ralph, Head of Student Voice Swansea Alumnus (2012) Hull University Union University of Hull (2012 – 2015) Alumnus (2015) Cardiff University Students’ Union (2015 – present) To change to different Layouts right-click on the slide and go to Layouts
What we’ll cover… Cardiff University facts CUSU facts New framework Student Charter ARE Periodic Review University Committees Data! To change to different Layouts right-click on the slide and go to Layouts
About Cardiff University
About Cardiff University Students’ Union 4.1 promoting the interests and welfare of Students at Cardiff University during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising Students; 4.2 being the recognised representative channel between Students and Cardiff University and any other external bodies; and 4.3 providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its Students.
“(iii) Has students integrated as partners in the design, implementation, monitoring and reviewing of processes to improve the quality of their education;” Principles of the new Quality Assurance Framework
Criteria What happens in engaging students The provider designs and delivers high-quality courses. Wider variety of mechanisms for students to feedback on the development of programmes The provider has sufficient appropriately qualified and experienced staff to deliver a high-quality academic experience for all students. Students’ Union is involved in training new academics! The provider has sufficient facilities and learning resources to deliver a high-quality academic experience for all students. Libraries are an exceptional standard and constantly seek the views of students. Views and feedback from students are regularly sought and acted on and providers offer feedback in return. Internal and External Surveys as well as Speak Week
Student Charter
ARE (Annual Review and Enhancement) “ARE draws upon a range of qualitative and quantative evidence including external examiners reports and information received from Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies to ensure that forward planning is based on focused reflection and evaluation of data and relevant feedback, with a view to continuous enhancement for our taught and research provision”. Quote from the School report form for ARE
ARE (Annual Review and Enhancement)
ARE (Annual Review and Enhancement) Sabbatical Officers and students are full members of the panel Students are also interviewed as part of the process
Periodic Review
University Committees Sabbatical Officers are involved in almost every university committee meeting!
Speak Week
Speak Week
Academic Reps
Academic Reps Academic Rep Chair – Boards of Study and College Forums Secretary SRC PGR Forum
Academic Reps
Enriching Student Life Awards
Academics understanding Student Engagement