FIGURE 13-1 A freely suspended natural magnet will point toward the magnetic north pole.
FIGURE 13-2 If a magnet breaks or is cracked, it becomes two weaker magnets.
FIGURE 13-3 Magnetic lines of force leave the north pole and return to the south pole of a bar magnet.
FIGURE 13-4 Iron filings on a compass can be used to observe the magnetic lines of force.
FIGURE 13-5 Magnetic poles behave like electrically charged particles—unlike poles attract and like poles repel.
FIGURE 13-6 A magnetic field surrounds a straight current-carrying conductor.
FIGURE 13-7 The left-hand rule for magnetic field direction is used with the electron flow theory.
FIGURE 13-8 The right-hand rule for magnetic field direction is used with the conventional theory of electron flow.
FIGURE 13-9 Conductors with opposing magnetic fields will move apart into weaker fields.
FIGURE 13-10 Electric motors use the interaction of magnetic fields to produce mechanical energy.
FIGURE 13-11 The magnetic lines of flux surrounding a coil look similar to those surrounding a bar magnet.
FIGURE 13-12 The left-hand rule for coils is shown.
FIGURE 13-13 An iron core concentrates the magnetic lines of force surrounding a coil.
FIGURE 13-14 An electromagnetic relay.
FIGURE 13-15 In this electromagnetic switch, a light current (low amperes) produces an electromagnet and causes the contact points to close. The contact points then conduct a heavy current (high amperes) to an electrical unit.
FIGURE 13-16 Voltage can be induced by the relative motion between a conductor and magnetic lines of force.
FIGURE 13-17 No voltage is induced if the conductor is moved in the same direction as the magnetic lines of force (flux lines).
FIGURE 13-18 Maximum voltage is induced when conductors cut across the magnetic lines of force (flux lines) at a 90 degree angle.
FIGURE 13-19 Mutual induction occurs when the expansion or collapse of a magnetic field around one coil induces a voltage in a second coil.
FIGURE 13-20 Internal construction of an oil-cooled ignition coil FIGURE 13-20 Internal construction of an oil-cooled ignition coil. Notice that the primary winding is electrically connected to the secondary winding. The polarity (positive or negative) of a coil is determined by the direction in which the coil is wound.
FIGURE 13-21 Typical air-cooled epoxy-filled E coil.
FIGURE 13-22 Cutaway of a General Motors Type II distributorless ignition coil. Note that the primary windings are inside of the secondary windings.
FIGURE 13-23 A tapped (married) type of ignition coil where the primary winding is tapped (connected) to the secondary winding.
FIGURE 13-24 To help prevent under-hood electromagnetic devices from interfering with the antenna input, it is important that the hood be grounded to the body to form one continuous metal covering around the engine compartment. This is particularly important if the vehicle has a front fender-mounted antenna. This braided ground strap is standard equipment on this Dodge Caliber and helps eliminate radio interference.