Insert title here (Helvetica Neue Font 44) 2016 ASGE Video Submission Insert title here (Helvetica Neue Font 44)
Disclosure Author 1: Author 2: Author 3: (Do not include author names. Keep Author 1, 2, etc. with disclosures)
Case Brief description of the case Use Helvetica Neue Font 38 size Use only white color fonts (no other colors allowed) Try to limit to 4-6 lines
Insert video after the case (use video as it is or over a Insert video as full screen video Insert video after the case (use video as it is or over a black background) Delete patient identifier information when recording your video. Please ask your vendor to turn off all data on the screen; also ask if they can turn off function that depicts a photo on the screen when you take a photo.
Images: If you prefer an image in a video project, consider placing the image on this slide and then export the slides as a TIFF image and use that image in the video project
Technique Highlights If applicable
Conclusions Insert conclusions