Pre-Breeding and Trait Discovery Break-Out Session


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Presentation transcript:

Pre-Breeding and Trait Discovery Break-Out Session Flagship Program 5 Pre-Breeding and Trait Discovery Break-Out Session Rajeev Gupta, PhD (Cantab) Principal Scientist & Theme Leader-Genomics & Trait Discovery, ICRISAT FP5 Leader- CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes & Dryland Cereals (GLDC)

FP5: Cluster of Activities (CoAs) Major activity CoA 5.1: Pre-breeding Use of natural (e. g, in un-adapted germplasm) or induced (e. g., mutants populations) diversity available in key priority traits in GLDC crops CoA: 5.2 Trait discovery Trait discovery, dissection and elucidation with molecular, omics, biochemical and physiological tools to provide markers/alleles/events for use in breeding CoA 5.3: Enabling technologies Modern enabling tools, technologies, and platforms to facilitate efficient trait discovery and breeding

FP5: Break out discussions Flagship Program 5 (FP5): Pre-breeding & Trait Discovery Leader Rajeev Gupta (ICRISAT, India) CoA 5.1 Pre-breeding Ousmane Boukar (IITA, Kano) Jean-Francois Rami (CIRAD) CoA 5.2 Trait discovery Damaris Odeny (ICRISAT, Nairobi) Laurent Laplaze (IRD) CoA 5.3 Enabling technologies Pooja Bhatnagar (ICRISAT) Aladdin Hamwieh (ICARDA) + NP Singh, Rajeev V, Janila P, Bokhtiar, Micheal Baum, Dave H, OP Yadav, Eric (WACCI) ++

FP5: Break Out Session Discussion Points LISTEN to partners for priorities and partnership to deliver W1/W2 is very-very limited and 80% to used to cover salaries Identify the priority activities/projects in each CoA for 2018 & beyond Leverage funds available in current bilateral and estimate gap funding Priority list of activities for 2018 (for POWB) Priority list for long term activities (2018 beyond) RMC makes final call of funding support Support for students/exchange visit (fund similar to innovation fund?) Innovation fund $0.5M for 2018 Partners can leverage More details to come from RMC

FP5: Break Out Session Group of ~12-15 people (including partners) in FP5 session One joint session with FP4 Most discussions around priority traits in each crop/region/partner for COA5.1 (PB) and 5.2 (TD) Priority list of tools/technology & crops to start with Populate the following table CoA Crop Traits/technology breif description of activity/project 2018 or 2018+ Bilateral funding $ Gap funding $ lead & Interested/potential partners (committed Y/N) Expected outcome (with time line) Prebreeding Chickpea  

FP5: Break Out Session-What next? COA leads in consultation with sub teams prioritize, fill out the following information with in next ~10 days FP5 Team discussions RMC discussions CoA Crop Traits/technology breif description of activity/project 2018 or 2018+ Bilateral funding $ Gap funding $ lead & Interested/potential partners (committed Y/N) Expected outcome (with time line) Prebreeding Chickpea  

Thank you Demand-driven Innovation for the Drylands In partnership with CGIAR Centers, public and private organizations, governments, and farmers worldwide Thank you

CoA 5.1: Pre-Breeding Examples of Traits

CoA5.2: Trait Discovery Prioritized Target Traits in GLDC Crops

CoA 5.3: Enabling Tools and Technologies