22 February, ITDG/DIME Item 2 – Progress and deployment


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Presentation transcript:

22 February, ITDG/DIME Item 2 – Progress and deployment ESS VIP SERV 22 February, ITDG/DIME Item 2 – Progress and deployment

Contents What is SERV Stakeholders Project Deliverables Timeline Next steps

Target Architecture (inspired by CSPA) Collect Process Analyse Disseminate ? Sharing Services where economical “Plug and Play” architecture

Stakeholders Task Force Steering Group Network of countries 14 members (UNECE as observer) To be renewed for 2018 Steering Group 6 Countries: FI, DE, NL, NO, SI, SE Network of countries Consists of 11 countries New ESSnet to be launched

Estimated delivery date Project Deliverables ID Name Description Estimated delivery date SERV.D01 Service Guidelines Guidelines allowing for sharing (by replication of services or by exposing them centrally) of statistical services across processes and among partners in the ESS and Eurostat (Commission). Draft: Dec 2016 Final: Dec 2017 SERV.D02 Recommendations for governance Recommendations for governance of statistical services; including the setup of an (ESS) service certification committee and maintenance of an ESS service catalogue as part of the CSPA service catalogue. SERV.D03 CSPA service catalogue Hosting and maintenance of the CSPA service catalogue by the Commission/Eurostat. Version 1: Dec 2015 Version 2: Dec 2016 Version 3: Dec 2017 SERV.D04 SOA Infrastructure An ESS/Eurostat SOA infrastructure that can be used by the ESS, Eurostat, other Commission DGs to expose those statistical services for which no replication is necessary Version 2: June 2016 Version 3: June 2017   SERV.D05 Open Source Guidelines Recommendation on utilizing Open Source solutions for statistical production SERV.D06 POC Services Implementation of statistical services that are re-used in multiple ESS members Iterative delivery till Dec 2017

Services : delivered & planned Web questionnaire visualisation SDMX transformation Record Linking Geospatial visualisation Questionnaire generator SDMX registry Imputations SDMX RI Reusable Dissemination STRUVAL Outlier detection CONVAL Priority defined based on AAA (Attractivity Affordability and Achievability) methodology developped by the ESSnet and based on data from UNECE IIS survey and ITDG survey Error Correction Disclosure control Metadata Dissemination Delivered in Phase 2 Microdata access Priority for Phase 3

Services : delivered & planned Priority defined based on AAA (Attractivity Affordability and Achievability) methodology developped by the ESSnet and based on data from UNECE IIS survey and ITDG survey   STRUVAL CONVAL Questionnaire Generation Seasonal Adjustment SDMX-RI Reusable Dissemination

Timeline Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Project life span (Phases) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Project life span (Phases) ESSC ESSC ESSC Decision points Steering Group Task Force ESSNet SCFE Project Goal: "to set up conditions for sharing statistical services and supporting their integration in statistical production processes at national, ESS and Commission level." SOA infrastructure ready 4 services delivered by Eurostat, 3 by the ESSnet Service Catalogue implementation undergoing Based on the results from the 1st ESSnet (list of selected services, available services) a 2nd ESSnet will implement and resuse services Towards the end of the project a CoE wil bet set up for ESS-wide service governance and service assessement for the catalogue ESSNet "implementing" Mono grants “use in PROD” CoE on Sharing Services

Next steps In the context of ESS.VIP.SERV, 3 instruments are used or planned: Procurement Service Catalogue implementation* Assistance on development and deployment of shared services* ESSnet Develop selected services and align architecture Single grants Implementation of available services in production (2019) * Funded by ISA²

ESSnet for deployment Reuse deliverables from the project execution phase (list of ESS priority services, guidelines on services and OSS, lessons learnt from example service) Title* : ESSNET ON “IMPLEMENTING SHARED SERVICES” Budget* : 600 000 EUR for 5 work packages Planning* : July 2018 to July 2020 * information pending publication

ESSnet Work packages* WP1: Develop and reuse 5 to 7 new services from the priority list WP2: Build technical guidelines for architecting and integrating services WP3: Build a sandbox based on WP1 and 2 (and explore containers) WP4: build a PoC production chain based on shared services. Provide collaborative best practices to use. WP5: Create and communicate success stories * information pending publication

Mono grants for deployment Main goal: induce reuse in real life statistical processes of available services Inputs: based on services in the catalogue (or from the deployment ESSnet) Planned at the end of the deployment phase.

Beyond the project Centre of Excellence Sustain all aspects the Sharing Services initiative beyond the project phase (documents, catalogue, assist in services selection and implementation) Expert Group on shared tools Merging work on SDMX tools and Shared Services Giving input and help monitoring the CoE

Summary Create infrastructure: Service catalogue, standard way of defining services DONE Create governance: Different models for sharing the service DONE Select priorities: Define priority areas or services of interest to be built for re-use DONE Test the model: Ask countries to create services based on priorities, using the governance and putting them in the catalogue ON-GOING Prepare it for production: Define the post-project governance and process TO BE DONE

Thank you for your attention Discussion ESTAT-ESS-SERV@ec.europa.eu