Atoll – a ring-shaped coral reef surrounding a lagoon Atoll – a ring-shaped coral reef surrounding a lagoon. It may have low sand islands. Atolls rest on submerged volcanic islands.
Bay – an inlet of the sea; an indentation in the shoreline, often between headlands or capes.
Cape – a large point or extension of land jutting into a body of water Cape – a large point or extension of land jutting into a body of water. A cape may be a peninsula or a hook of land.
Channel – a deeper part of a river or harbor that is navigable.
Delta – an alluvial deposit of sediment at the mouth of a river.
Estuary – a river mouth or channel, or the drowned seaward end of a valley where freshwater from land mixes with seawater.
Archipelago – a group of islands formed by the same geological process.
Isthmus – a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land masses.
Lagoon – a shallow body of relatively quiet water almost completely cut off from the open ocean by coral reefs, barrier islands, or barrier beaches.
Peninsula – a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water Peninsula – a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water. It is usually connected to a larger land body by a narrow land strip called a neck or an isthmus.
Shoal – an area of the ocean, such as a sandbar, that is too shallow to navigate.
Strait – a long, narrow water passage connecting two larger bodies of water.
Nekton Team Nekton - Actively swimming aquatic organisms in a body of water; independent of currents. Equipment: Pole Seine – large fishing net with two poles that is pulled through the water to collect specimens. Cast Net – round net on a rope with weights on the edges that is thrown into the water to catch fish.
Specimen Team Specimens – aquatic organisms that are collected through the efforts of seining, using the cast net, or sifting through the sand. Equipment: Buckets – Used to fill the coolers on the bus for transporting specimens. Used to carry water, fish and shrimp. Aerators – Used to keep oxygen in the tanks on the trip home. Dip nets – small nets used for transporting fish to buckets.
Plankton Team Plankton – microscopic organisms, both plant and animal, that float or drift with currents and serve as a major food source for fish and larger organisms. Equipment: Plankton Tow Net – a cone-shaped net of fine mesh that is pulled through the water to collect plankton. Specimens are placed in collection jars
Benthos Team Benthos – marine organisms living on or in the ocean floor. Equipment: Shovel and Sieve Box – Use shovel to dig up sand and put in sieve box. Sift out sand and count specimens observed in the sand. Record numbers and species.
Physical Team Physical – explains motions and physical properties of ocean waters. Equipment: Meter Stick – used to record average wave height. Secchi Disk – rope attached to weighted white disk; used to measure turbidity (Amount of suspended sediment in water). Thermometer – measure temperature in salt marsh and beach area. Refractometer – instrument used to measure salinity. Recording Chart and Pencil – record all physical data.
Chemical Team Determines the Chemistry of the water using dropper tests. pH Ammonia Nitrites Nitrates
Geological Team Determine the slope of the beach and collect sand. Slope – the rise of an angle compared to the distance over which it rises. Sliding level – used on a string to maintain a balanced line. Ruler – used to determine distance and rise.