Oft pupils, thou hast ask'd: "Why dost thou writeth so?” © Presto Plans Oft pupils, thou hast ask'd: "Why dost thou writeth so?” Thou hast said: "Thy words maketh me mad!" Translation: Often students have asked me why I write the way I do. They have said that the way I write is so confusing that it makes them crazy!
An Example From The Bard! © Presto Plans As we go through this, use the "Translation, Please!" handout to fill in the meaning and example of some of Shakespeare's commonly used words. Fill in your own example as well to show you know how to use the word. Shakespeare Says… We Say… An Example From The Bard! Thou You (Subject) Thou shalt be king! Thee You (Object) I give this to thee Thy Your I see thy glory Art Are Thou art changed.
An Example From The Bard! © Presto Plans Fill in the meaning and example of some of these commonly used words. Fill in your own example as well to show you know how to use the word. Shakespeare Says… We Say… An Example From The Bard! Hast Have A friend thou hast in Ephesus. Hath Has His majesty hath appointed this. Wilt Will Wilt thou be gone? Dost Do What dost thou know?
An Example From The Bard! © Presto Plans Fill in the meaning and example of some of these commonly used words. Fill in your own example as well to show you know how to use the word. Shakespeare Says… We Say… An Example From The Bard! Shall/Shalt Will Thou shalt be king! Whence Where Whence is that knocking? Hence From Here Help me hence! Whither Whither has thy vanished?
Shakespeare also often uses apostrophes to replace letters! © Presto Plans Shakespeare also often uses apostrophes to replace letters! Shakespeare Says… We Say… O’er Over ‘T / T’is It / It Is Flow’rs Flowers Kill’d Killed
© Presto Plans You will now complete an activity sheet which will allow you to change sentences from modern English, to Shakespearean (or Elizabethan) English based on the new words you just learned!
© Presto Plans You will now imagine that you are Shakespeare. Use the new terms you learned, as well as The Bard's Dictionary (handout), to write a paragraph about the topic of your choice.